    [id] => 642
    [date] => 2019-06-30
    [doi] => 
    [title] => Intrapsychiczne źródła samooceny: znaczenie emocji, temperamentu i poczucia zdolności do działania
    [authors] => Kinga Lachowicz-Tabaczek, Justyna Śniecińska
    [abstract] => 

Though a lot of research has been carried out by the time there are still many controversies concerning origins and functions of global self-esteem. According to the approach proposed in this paper, self –esteem is developed mainly by intrapsychic processes connected with temperamental and emotional dispositions of an individual. The authors assumed that these dispositions are responsible for the development of subjective experience and for the evaluations of one’s ability to taking action, and this way they influence the level of self-esteem. In order to verify proposed model the correlational study was conducted. The results of path analysis confirmed the expectations and the best fitted model showed that the feeling of ability to actions mediated the influence of temperamental and emotional dispositions on global self-esteem as a disposition. The model was also confirmed by the results of experimental studies which indicated the self-esteem as a state depends on current feeling of ability to action. In the first study this feeling was lowered by informing the participants that they will be allegedly put through the examination of resistance to pain. In the second experiment, performing difficult task lowered the feeling of ability to action and as a result reduced the level of self-esteem, as a state. Concluding, these results showed that the feeling of ability to action may participate in the mechanism of developing global self-esteem both as a disposition and as a state. The proposed model may improve understanding the role of intrapsychic processes 

[abstract_en] =>

Though a lot of research has been carried out by the time there are still many controversies concerning origins and functions of global self-esteem. According to the approach proposed in this paper, self –esteem is developed mainly by intrapsychic processes connected with temperamental and emotional dispositions of an individual. The authors assumed that these dispositions are responsible for the development of subjective experience and for the evaluations of one’s ability to taking action, and this way they influence the level of self-esteem. In order to verify proposed model the correlational study was conducted. The results of path analysis confirmed the expectations and the best fitted model showed that the feeling of ability to actions mediated the influence of temperamental and emotional dispositions on global self-esteem as a disposition. The model was also confirmed by the results of experimental studies which indicated the self-esteem as a state depends on current feeling of ability to action. In the first study this feeling was lowered by informing the participants that they will be allegedly put through the examination of resistance to pain. In the second experiment, performing difficult task lowered the feeling of ability to action and as a result reduced the level of self-esteem, as a state. Concluding, these results showed that the feeling of ability to action may participate in the mechanism of developing global self-esteem both as a disposition and as a state. The proposed model may improve understanding the role of intrapsychic processes 

[keywords] => self-esteem, emotions, temperament, intrapsychic origins, action ability [keywords_en] => self-esteem, emotions, temperament, intrapsychic origins, action ability [file_path] => /files/articles/2008-14-intrapsychiczne-rda-samooceny_-znaczenie-emocji_-temperamentu-i-poczucia-zdolnoci-do-dziaania.pdf [okladka] => psychologia_osobowosci.jpg [rocznik] => Rocznik: 2008 Tom: 14 Numer: 2 [strony] => 229-246 )

Intrapsychiczne źródła samooceny: znaczenie emocji, temperamentu i poczucia zdolności do działania


Kinga Lachowicz-Tabaczek, Justyna Śniecińska


Rocznik: 2008 Tom: 14 Numer: 2
Strony: 229-246

Though a lot of research has been carried out by the time there are still many controversies concerning origins and functions of global self-esteem. According to the approach proposed in this paper, self –esteem is developed mainly by intrapsychic processes connected with temperamental and emotional dispositions of an individual. The authors assumed that these dispositions are responsible for the development of subjective experience and for the evaluations of one’s ability to taking action, and this way they influence the level of self-esteem. In order to verify proposed model the correlational study was conducted. The results of path analysis confirmed the expectations and the best fitted model showed that the feeling of ability to actions mediated the influence of temperamental and emotional dispositions on global self-esteem as a disposition. The model was also confirmed by the results of experimental studies which indicated the self-esteem as a state depends on current feeling of ability to action. In the first study this feeling was lowered by informing the participants that they will be allegedly put through the examination of resistance to pain. In the second experiment, performing difficult task lowered the feeling of ability to action and as a result reduced the level of self-esteem, as a state. Concluding, these results showed that the feeling of ability to action may participate in the mechanism of developing global self-esteem both as a disposition and as a state. The proposed model may improve understanding the role of intrapsychic processes 

self-esteem, emotions, temperament, intrapsychic origins, action ability